Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Adult ADHD is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects executive functioning, which involves our ability to plan, prioritise, organise, and sustain our behaviour towards a goal across time

What are some of the signs of ADHD in adults?

  • Restlessness and Anxiety

  • High Rejection Sensitivity

  • Emotion Dysregulation

  • Poor Impulse Control

  • Difficulties with Concentration and Attention

  • Poor time management and organisation skills

  • Forgetfulness

  • Constantly Losing or Misplacing Belongings

  • Difficulties in interpersonal Relationships

  • Substance Misuse

In addition ADHD is actually characterised by a dysregulation of attention, rather than deficit. People with ADHD generally have difficulty maintaining focus and attention when it comes to tasks that are boring, tedious, or not of personal interest to them. However, when a task is something new, urgent, exciting, or of personal interest to them, people with ADHD can enter into a state of hyperfocus where they are actually unable to shift their attention away from the task (sometimes at the expense of other important things like eating and sleeping!). As a result, people with ADHD often excel in their areas of interest, and this may or may not be reflected in their school or work performance.

Many people with ADHD, particularly adults, have learned to mask their external hyperactivity (e.g. not sitting still, fidgeting), and tend to experience more internal hyperactivity (e.g. racing thoughts, “busy brain”). This was formerly known as ADD or the primarily inattentive type of ADHD.

For these reasons, ADHD is often a misunderstood condition that is easily missed amongst other diagnoses such as anxiety and depression, which people with ADHD often also experience as a result of the difficulties their symptoms cause in day-to-day living.

Adult ADHD Assessments

At ANIMA Health Network, we offer comprehensive neuropsychological assessments and diagnostic clarification for adults who may have Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

If you are interested in booking an assessment, please give our administration team a call on 9381 8868.

If you have any questions about the assessment process or would like to find out more, please feel free to Contact us for more information about your individual situation and fees.


Goodman, D. W. (2007). The consequences of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adults. Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 13(5), 318-327.

Helpful Links

ADDitude - articles, videos, lectures, and other resources for children, adolescents and adults with ADHD and their loved ones

How to ADHD YouTube Channel - as shown above, videos about understanding ADHD and skills and strategies for managing symptoms

Psych Spiels and Silver Linings
"Demystifying Adult ADHD" on Spotify

Research Paper:

A qualitative and quantitative study of self-reported positive characteristics of individuals with ADHD


What does ADHD look like?

ADHD in Girls: How to Recognise the Symptoms

ADHD sucks, but not really | Salif Mahamane

Demystifying Adult ADHD with our director Dr Ozgur (Oz) Yalcin, who discusses adult ADHD as both a clinical psychologist and as a person with lived experience.

What we do


  • Schema Therapy is an impactful therapeutic intervention designed to empower individuals in overcoming entrenched, counterproductive emotional and behavioural patterns that may interfere with interpersonal relationships, career prospects and life satisfaction. Schema therapy aims to help uncover "Early Maladaptive Schemas" (EMS), which are subconscious and enduring emotional and cognitive patterns that develop in response to challenging childhood experiences. At ANIMA Health Network, all of our clinical psychologists are trained in Schema Therapy. Our aim is to help you address the root causes of emotional and psychological distress and empower you to create lasting meaningful change. Find out more about Schema Therapy.

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapeutic approach developed to help individuals process and alleviate the emotional distress associated with traumatic memories. The aim is to facilitate the reprocessing of these memories, reducing their emotional impact and fostering adaptive resolution. EMDR is particularly effective in treating trauma-related conditions, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), by targeting specific memories contributing to emotional distress. All of our Clinical Psychologists/Registrars are fully EMDR trained or in the process of becoming so. Find out more about EMDR.

  • Our Clinical Psychologists all have training in Imagery Rescripting, which is a therapeutic approach designed to address and alleviate emotional distress caused by upsetting mental images or memories. When individuals have distressing memories, the traditional response might be to replay them as they originally occurred, reinforcing negative emotions. In imagery rescripting, however, the person collaborates with a therapist to transform these troubling mental images. It's akin to jointly editing the script of a mental movie to introduce a more positive and constructive narrative.

    During therapy, individuals actively engage in modifying the imagery associated with a distressing memory. By reshaping the mental representation of the event, the aim is to create a new, less distressing ending or perspective. This process enables individuals to reinterpret the meaning of the memory, fostering a sense of empowerment and control over their emotional responses.

  • At ANIMA Health Network, we understand the unique challenges that individuals with ADHD face. Our team is dedicated to creating a nurturing and empowering environment where you can access the resources and guidance to understand and manage your ADHD effectively. This program is designed for current patients aged 18 years and over.

    The program will run in person on Friday afternoons for 6 weeks at ANIMA Health Network, 170 Cambridge Street, West Leederville.

    Find Out More

  • ADHD is a neurodevelopmental condition that, if left undiagnosed and untreated in childhood, can have substantial negative impacts in adulthood. In adults, ADHD can manifest in several ways, including difficulty with focus, impulsive actions leading to regrettable decisions, procrastination, organisation and time management challenges, constant inner restlessness, and difficulties regulating emotions, which can significantly affect work and relationships. At ANIMA, our team have expertise lies in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of adult ADHD. Find out more about adult ADHD

  • Depression is a mental health condition that goes beyond just feeling sad or down. It involves persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or a lack of interest in once enjoyable activities. People with depression may experience changes in appetite and sleep patterns, have difficulty concentrating, and often feel fatigued. It's like being stuck in a heavy fog of sadness that affects daily life. Fortunately the symptoms of depression can often be alleviated. Treatment can include therapy, medication, or a combination of both to help lift the cloud of depression, improve your mood, and restore a sense of autonomy.

  • Anxiety is a common emotional experience where a person feels worried, nervous, or uneasy about something. It's like having a sense of fear or unease, often accompanied by physical sensations like a racing heart, sweating, or a tense feeling. While a bit of anxiety is normal, excessive or constant worry that interferes with daily life might be an anxiety disorder. It's like your mind is stuck on the "what-ifs" and can make simple tasks feel overwhelming. Let us help you acquire the tools you need to help manage your anxiety so that you can once again meaningfully reengage in the world.

  • In OCD, individuals often grapple with persistent, intrusive thoughts known as obsessions. These thoughts often provoke significant anxiety or distress. In response to these distressing thoughts, individuals may feel compelled to perform certain actions or mental rituals, known as compulsions, to alleviate the anxiety or prevent a feared event or outcome. The repetitive nature of these behaviours is driven by a need to establish a sense of control or reduce the anxiety associated with obsessive thoughts. OCD can significantly impact daily functioning and quality of life, and treatment often involves a combination of therapy and, in some cases, medication. Contact our friendly admin team who can help find the most appropriate clinician to help support you on your journey.

  • At ANIMA, we conduct Neuropsychological Assessments for Children 8 years and over and Adolescents (ages 12-17). Our assessments are conducted by our Clinical Neuropsychologists and Registrars who have expertise in diagnosing and treating brain-related disorders. Our assessments are accompanied by a comprehensive report with recommendations tailored to your child.

    Some of the conditions we assess are:

    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (From age 16)**

    Specific Learning Disorders (SLD's) including Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia

    Education Difficulties

    Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) - Important: Whilst we will be able to provide you with a comprehensive picture of your current difficulties, we do not prescribe medication. If you need medication as part of your treatment, such as stimulant medication, you will need a prescription from your Pediatrician or Psychiatrist who is managing your care.

    Intellectual Disability

    Find out more

  • At ANIMA, we conduct Neuropsychological and Mental Health Assessments for Adults. Our assessments are conducted by our Clinical Psychologists, Clinical Neuropsychologists and Registrars, who have expertise in diagnosing and treating psychological and brain-related disorders. Our assessments are accompanied by a feedback session and comprehensive report with recommendations tailored specifically to you and your presenting difficulties.

    Conditions we assess for are:

    Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) - Important: Whilst we will be able to provide you with a comprehensive picture of your current difficulties, we do not prescribe medication. If you need medication as part of your treatment, such as stimulant medication, you will need a prescription from your Pediatrician or Psychiatrist who is managing your care.

    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (From age 16)**

    For ASD assessments, please click here

    Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)

    Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

    Neurodegenerative Disorders (Dementias)

    Fin out more here.

  • Our assessment service for autistic adults is centered on your needs and preferences, fostering a collaborative journey where your comfort and participation are prioritised. Our patient-centered approach values clear communication, understanding your strengths and challenges through meaningful conversations rather than a mere checklist. Find out more about Autism here and contact our friendly reception to find out more about the assessment process and how we can help you.

  • At ANIMA Health Network we offer one-off Diagnostic Mental Health Assessments to evaluate the nature, severity, and functional impairment for a range of psychological difficulties. You will also be provided with a complemented by a detailed report and recommendations outlining the assessment findings. Find out more.


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